Screenagers Film Screening for AEA Community | AEA Charter Elementary School

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join the AEA community for a film screening of Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age on Tuesday October 3, 2017 from 5:30 to 7:30pm. Film screening will be held at the Middle School campus in the MPR. Directed by Delaney Ruston, M.D.,
this film explores the impact of screen time on children and offers solutions on how we can help children find balance. In addition, Screenagers discusses how families can minimize harmful effects of screen time. After seeing the film, people report they feel more confident and better equipped to establish balance around screen time. Families can bring their students ages 10 and up to see the film. About the film maker: Dr. Ruston decided to make Screenagers when she found herself constantly struggling with her own two children about screen time. This is depicted along with many other stories in Screenagers. The runtime for the film is 68 minutes. A discussion about the film will follow the screening. This event is open to all families, K-8.


*Child care will be provided for students who attend AEA under 10 years old*


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